Posts Tagged esx 4

Disponibile SUSE Linux Entreprise Server (SLES) per i clienti VMware vSphere

Posted by on martedì, 15 Febbraio, 2011

Ho appena letto sul proprio sito ufficiale che VMware e Novell hanno fatto un accordo per la distribuzione GRATUITA di SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMware ai clienti che hanno acquistato la versione 4.x di VMware vSphere ed hanno la Subscription attiva  sulle loro licenze.

“Customers who want to deploy SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMware® in VMware vSphere™ virtual machines will be entitled to receive a subscription to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server that includes patches and updates as part of their newly purchased qualifying VMware vSphere license and Support and Subscription”

“VMware’s OEMed version of Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) – is now available for free to customers with qualifying VMware vSphere licenses regardless of when these licenses were purchased on or after June 9th 2010″

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