Disponibili XenApp Session Cleaner 4.0.8 e XenApp Cloning Tool 2.0.7
Disponibili per il download le nuove versioni dei tool XenApp Session Cleaner e XenApp Cloning Tool direttamente dal sito citrixtools.net .
Vediamo insieme le novità:
XenApp Session Cleaner 4.0.8
The configured hours are now using a different identification system. Due to this new system, the dependency on the service account regional settings has been removed and you can now use 23:00 or 11:00 PM regardless your settings.
XenApp Cloning Tool 2.0.7
MSMQ Cloning is now supported. XenApp Cloning Tool (the GUI or Cmd Line part) will stop the MSMQ service and all dependencies, delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\MachineCache\QMId registry value and create the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\SysPrep (REG_DWORD) value that will instruct MSMQ to generate a new unique ID at next startup .
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