Disponibile Citrix EdgeSight 5.4
Sapevo dell’uscita in Agosto della nuova build del prodotto EdgeSight, ottimo strumento di monitoraggio per ambienti Citrix XenApp e XenDesktop: la nuova versione 5.4 corregge diversi bug della precedente e aggiunge il supporto ai nuovi prodotti, XenDesktop 5.5 e XenApp 6.5.
- EdgeSight Agent support for XenApp 6.5 for Windows 2008 R2. The EdgeSight for XenApp 6.x Agent x64 5.4 is supported on both XenApp 6.0 and XenApp 6.5 for Windows 2008 R2 systems.
- Support for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2.
- Reporting on user/device license usage in the license trend and usage reports available on the Track Usage tab.
- The ability to export a list of user/device licenses currently checked out from a selected license server. The User/Device License List is available on the Track Usage tab.
- The addition of advanced EdgeSight Agent properties used to throttle the number and frequency of event log message alerts for each log type (Application, Security, and System).
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