Disponibile Zenoss Core 3.2.0
Dopo una prima fase di beta-testing conclusa con successo, è stata rilasciata la versione 3.2.0 della piattaforma di monitoraggio Zenoss Core.
Vediamo insieme quali sono le novità:
- Support for receipt of SNMPv3 traps
- User interface changed features and enhancements, including: Unified event consoles. All consoles appear and behave similarly.
- Improved component template editing.
- IT Infrastructure page (device list) shows non-default columns (for example, Operating System, Hardware,and Serial Number)
- Production state field can be filtered (remembers filter state)
- Enhanced user interface colors
- Networks page revised for performance improvements
- Interface status: operational and administrative up/down status appears
- Local IP addresses appear in the user interface
- Collector, system, and group location on the device overview page can be edited directly from the overview page
- Execute commands from the event console on selected devices
- zenhub updates
- zenprocess fixes: processes matched the same way that modeling matches
- zenwinperf enhancements
- zenbatchload fixes: locations, groups, and organizers can now be batch loaded
- Trees lookup performance improvements
- Chrome and Safari UI enhancements
- Collapse and expand entire hierarchy (such as device class tree)
- Automatic event deletion: improved flexibility (deletes in groups of events)
Percorso di aggiornamento supportato:
La community di supporto di Zenoss Core è molto attiva: mi sono trovato spesso a chiedere informazioni sul forum di supporto ricevendo risposte rapide e risolutive.
Segnalo anche un ottimo forum della community italiana (grazie all’amico Consadori, sempre superdisponibile!)
Per maggiori informazioni e per il download: