Disponibile Citrix Online Plug-in 12.0 per Windows, Online Plug-in per Mac 11.1, Offiline Plug-in e Streaming Profiler 6.0 per Windows, Receiver for Java 10.0
Ogni aggiornamento lato server prevede anche il rispettivo aggiornamento lato client per beneficiare delle nuove funzionalità introdotte dai vari Feature Pack o dalle nuove versioni.
Da oggi infatti sono disponibili anche i nuovi client Citrix:
- Online Plug-in per Windows versione 12.0
- Offline Plug-in per Windows Versione 6.0
- Online Plug-in per Mac versione 11.1
- Receiver per Java versione 10.0
Ecco le novità del client Online Plug-in per Windows 12.0:
- HDX Plug-n-Play USB Device Redirection. HDX Plug-n-Play USB Device Redirection enables dynamic redirection of various devices, including cameras, scanners, media players, and point of sale (POS) devices to the server. You or the user can restrict redirection of all or a subset of the devices. Settings are configured with policies on the server and with group policies on the plug-in side.
- Improved graphics application performance. XenApp now supports 32-bit color depth.
- Seamless Taskbar Grouping. Seamless Taskbar Grouping groups and stacks published application taskbar buttons by application (for example, all Wordpad applications together and all Internet Explorer applications together) with the local application buttons of the same type.
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