Disponibile RVTools 2.9.5
Volevo segnalare la nuova versione del Tool RVTools 2.9.5, un’applicazione basata su .Net 2.0 che sfrutta l’SDK di Virtual Center per raccogliere tutta una serie di informazioni sulla vostra infrastruttura virtuale VMware.
Possiamo controllare CPU, dischi, Ram, schede di rete, connessioni CDROM, snapshot, versione di VMtools tramite una semplice serie di TAB.
Ecco cosa c’è di nuovo nella release 2.9.5:
- On vInfo tab new field: Guest heartbeat status. The heartbeat status is classified as: gray – VMware Tools are not installed or not running, red – no heartbeat, guest operating system may have stopped responding. yellow -intermittent heartbeat, may be due to guest load. green – guest operating system is responding normally
- On vMemory tab new fields: Ballooned memory, consumed overhead memory, private memory, shared memory, swapped memory and static memory entitlement
- On vDatastore tab new field: Full device address (controller, target, device)
- On vInfo tab new fields: Commited storage, uncommited storage and unshared storage
- Bug fix! A semicolon in the annotations fields are no longer a problem for the export functions
- Bug fix! Health check “Zombie vmdk” problems solved
- Bug fix! Health check “inconsistent foldername” problems solved
- Bug fix! On vport tab the column “notify switch” value solved
- Bug fix! Sort problem on vNic tab on column “speed” solved
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