Disponibile Citrix Branch Repeater Software 5.7 e Repeater Plug-in 5.7
Novità in vista per la serie di prodotti di accelerazione WAN di Citrix; è infatti disponibile la nuova release di Citrix Branch Repeater 5.7 , Citrix Repeater 5.7 e Repeater Plug-in 5.7.
Le principali novità apportate dal nuovo software riguardano l’accelerazione delle sessioni SSL (compreso il traffico ICA incapsulato) e la completa cifratura del disco all’interno dell’appliance.
Ecco le novità che troviamo all’interno di dell’aggiornamento per gli appliance:
- SSL Acceleration – Branch Repeater products can decrypt, compress, and re-encrypt SSL data passing through them when set up as security delegates for the endpointserver or endpoint client. Two modes are available: Split proxy, where the Branch Repeaters act as a security delegate for both the endpoint server and the endpointclient, and transparent proxy, where the Branch Repeaters act as a security delegate for the endpoint server
- Disk encryption for compression history – Strong AES 256 encryption secures compression history stored on the appliance hard disk.
- Command Center Support -Requires Command Center version 3.3 or later available from https://www.citrix.com/English/ss/downloads/results.asp?productID=1340321.
Sono supportati gli appliance Branch Repeater modello 100, 200 e 300.
Sono supportati gli appliance Citrix Repeater serie 8500 e 8800.
Nella nuova release del client Citrix Repeater Plug-in (ora anche Windows 7 64-bit) troviamo:
- Allows the home-based, mobile, or small office user to enjoy the benefits of WAN optimization in situations in which an appliance can not be readily deployed.
- Offers comprehensive TCP flow control, advanced compression, and advanced application protocol optimizations to enhance productivity for PC users.
- Is compatible with a wide range of secure remote access technologies including popular IPsec implementations and Citrix Access Gateway Standard, Advanced and Enterprise Editions.
- Adjusts the disk footprint of the Repeater Plug-in based on your needs
Per maggiori informazioni e per il download:
- Repeater Software Release 5.7 for datacenters
- Branch Repeater Software Release 5.7 for branch offices
- Branch Repeater with Windows Server 2008 R2
- Repeater Plug-in 5.7 (Software Client) for mobile users