Disponibile VMware vSphere Client per iPad 1.1.0
E’ disponibile il nuovo Client VMware vSphere per iPad 1.1.0, lo strumento che ci permette di controllare e gestire la nostra inftrastruttura virtuale VMware vSphere direttamente da Apple iPad.
Per il funzionamento abbiamo bisogno del server vCMA v1.1, disponibile presso VMware Labs.
Vediamo insieme quali sono le novità della versione 1.1.0:
– Support for connecting directly to a vSphere host (resolves Null Pointer Exception)
– Integrated interface to input vCMA server settings and login credentials
– Enhanced version compatibility checks between vSphere iPad application and vCMA server
– Fix for Null Pointer Exception when rebooting a host while the host was in maintenance mode
– Store password, if requested by the user, in the keychain
– Ability to properly scroll the host list in landscape mode
– Sorted host list (by name and grouped by vendor ID)
– Display center ellipsis for long virtual machine names
– Better performance metrics when connecting directly to a vSphere host
– Show “Unavailable” or “PoweredOff” message when unable to obtain performance data for a selected VM
– Reflect available actions correctly, for a selected VM, when an operation was completed
– Ability to cancel ‘revert to snapshot’ action
Per maggiori informazioni e per il download: