Disponibile Citrix Receiver for Windows 3.0 e Mac 11.4

This entry was posted by on giovedì, 25 Agosto, 2011 at

Dopo tutte le novità introdotte in XenApp 6.5 e XenDesktop 5.5 non poteva mancare l’aggiornamento del client di accesso, Citrix Receiver 3.0 per Windows e Citrix Receiver 11.4 per Mac.

Le nuove versioni di Citrix Receiver sono necessarie per il miglioramento dell’esperienza utente, la compatibilità con i nuovi sistemi operativi e per sfruttare tutti i miglioramenti apportati al set HDX.

Receiver for Windows 3.0 

Key HDX enhancements like enhanced AV capabilities, fast application launch, improved desktop viewer, and Aero themes deliver a near-native performance on a virtualized desktop environment

Unified user experience via ONE icon in the systray instead of several, ONE set of notifications, ONE set of preferences, ONE way to authenticate, and ONE way to get self-service access to Windows, Web, and SaaS applications no matter how the computer is configured and how Receiver was installed

Single Sign-On is vastly improved via one-step password entry while eliminating Systray clutter. All menus and interactions are fully integrated into the Receiver to deliver a simple, unified user experience

Simpler Self-Service lets users search, subscribe and launch applications on their own

Receiver for Mac 11.4  

Bi-directional audio enables use with Office Communicator and other audio based applications like web-based video conferencing.

One-Click configuration enables users to click on a URL to automatically configure Receiver access to XenApp and XenDesktop resources

Secure remote access enables connection from anywhere, on either side of your corporate firewall

Builds in Self-Service lets users search, subscribe and launch applications on their own Supports Mac OS X Lion (10.7)

Per coloro che hanno installato la versione TechPreview del client ricordo che occorre disinstallarla e procedere con l’installazione del nuovo pacchetto.

Per maggiori informazioni e per il download:

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