Posts Tagged real mode

Disponibile VirtualBox 3.2 (Oracle VM VirtualBox)

Posted by on mercoledì, 19 Maggio, 2010

Finalmente è uscita la major update del prodotto di virtualizzazione per desktop di Oracle, VirtualBox 3.2.

Nella nuova release troviamo nuove funzionalità e bugfix che affliggevano la precedente versione.

Da adesso VirtualBox prende ufficialmente  il nome di Oracle VM VirtualBox (come saprete SUN è stata acquisita da Oracle il 20 aprile 2009)

Vediamo cosa c’è di nuovo (changelog):

  • Experimental support for Mac OS X guests
  • Memory ballooning to dynamically in- or decrease the amount of RAM used by a VM (64-bit hosts only)
  • Page Fusion automatically de-duplicates RAM when running similar VMs thereby increasing capacity. Currently supported for Windows guests on 64-bit hosts
  • CPU hot-plugging for Linux (hot-add and hot-remove) and certain Windows guests (hot-add only)
  • New Hypervisor features: with both VT-x/AMD-V on 64-bit hosts, using large pages can improve performance; also, on VT-x, unrestricted guest execution is now supported (if nested paging is enabled with VT-x, real mode and protected mode without paging code runs faster, which mainly speeds up guest OS booting)
  • Support for deleting snapshots while the VM is running
  • Support for multi-monitor guest setups in the GUI for Windows guests
  • USB tablet/keyboard emulation for improved user experience if no Guest Additions are available
  • LsiLogic SAS controller emulation
  • RDP video acceleration
  • NAT engine configuration via API and VBoxManage
  • Use of host I/O cache is now configurable
  • Guest Additions: added support for executing guest applications from the host system (replaces the automatic system presimparation feature)
  • OVF: enhanced OVF support with custom namespace to preserve settings that are not part of the base OVF standard

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Disponibile VirtualBox 3.2.0 Beta 1 (Oracle VM VirtualBox)

Posted by on lunedì, 3 Maggio, 2010

E’ stata rilasciata la nuova release di VirtualBox 3.2.0 in Beta1: chiaramente non è una versione da utilizzare in produzione ma per chi vuol testare le novità può eseguire una nuova installazione su Linux, Windows e Mac OS X.

Vediamo insieme cosa c’è di nuovo:

  • Following the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle Corporation, the product is now called Oracle VM VirtualBox and all references were changed without impacting compatibility.
  • Experimental support for Mac OS X guests
  • Memory ballooning to dynamically in- or decrease the amount of RAM used by a VM (64-bit hosts only) (see the manual for more information)
  • CPU hot-plugging for Linux (hot-add and hot-remove) and certain Windows guests (hot-add only) (see the manual for more information)
  • New Hypervisor features: with both VT-x/AMD-V on 64-bit hosts, using large pages can improve performance (see the manual for more information); also, on VT-x, unrestricted guest execution is now supported (if nested paging is enabled with VT-x, real mode and protected mode without paging code runs faster, which mainly speeds up guest OS booting)
  • Support for deleting snapshots while the VM is running
  • Support for multi-monitor guest setups in the GUI (see the manual for more information)
  • USB tablet/keyboard emulation for improved user experience if no Guest Additions are available
  • LsiLogic SAS controller emulation
  • RDP video acceleration
  • NAT engine configuration via API and VBoxManage
  • Guest Additions: added support for executing guest applications from the host system
  • OVF: enhanced OVF support with custom namespace to preserve settings that are not part of the base OVF standard

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